Friday, April 26, 2019

Asia Unit Textbook Pages and Links

Religions: 767 - Religions and Art, 818 - Religious Traditions, 825 - Religions and Art

Early Civilizations: 756-761 and 788-793 (stop at "Independent Countries")  India: 816-827

Videos for Religion and Early Civilizations:  Crash Course World History #2 & #6

How they select the Dali Lama

Samguk Yusa


Links and pages for China Stations:

Why isn't Tibet Free?

Brain Pop - Great Wall of China

A tour of the Three Gorges Dam

SS TExtbook China: background 748-763 

The Red Guards:  274-284 in the LITERATURE book

Live Air Quality Tracker:

460 Million Chinese Residents Suffering From 'Airpocalypse' :