Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September 16-20

Present Create a Culture – start reflection as time allows

Tuesday - Constitution Day
1. Finish presenting, then Reflect/Debrief  C a C as needed

1. Constitution  Brainpop and MiniPage notes

HMWK – Read HMWK – Due Tomorrow, BOC “Life in the United States” and “Life in Canada” Venn diagram pages 152-161 and 182-187 in the textbook

1. Debrief homework
2. North American Cultural Region -Physical Reading and Fill in the sheet - pages 130-137 & 170-175 in the textbook.
2. Map Analysis Day 
3. US and Canadian history on parallel timeline Then US timeline

1. Finish #3 from yesterday
2. Introduce DAVs – homework due next Friday, BOC