Friday, November 22, 2019

Latin America Test Review - Test Friday, Dec. 6

To double check your map, use pages 21 & 22 in your ISN and/or the textbook.

To double check the Rainforest chart, use page 36 in your ISN and your good brain. 😀

Maya, Aztec and/or Inca? Match the indigenous civilizations to evidence of their complexity.
______I_______­­__1. used quipus to keep track of stories, accounting, and other information
______A & M____2. millions of their descendants still live in parts of Mexico and other Latin American countries
_______M______ 3. had super-accurate calendars
______A________ 4. engineered “floating gardens” called chinapas in the highly organized and developed city of Tenochtitlan on the site of modern day Mexico
______I________ 5. built over 14,000 miles of well-paved and maintained roads through the Andes
______M________ 6. had an advanced math system
______M________ 7. had a complete written language, books and libraries
_____I & M & A___8. practiced human sacrifice
________M______ 9.  built enormous step pyramids to honor their gods and royalty

Important Names
Olmec                1. Oldest known/named civilization in Latin America
Columbus         2. European explorer who reached the West Indies in 1492 (along with a few other spots)
Cortez                3. Most famous Spanish conquistador
Spain                  4. European country who was first to colonize the majority of Latin America
Catholicism      5. Major religion of the people of Latin America.  Why?  (See answer #4)
Spanish             6. Major language spoken by the people of Latin America.  Why? (same as #5) 
Bolivar               7. “The Liberator” of much of South America from Spanish rule.  What contributed to his desire and ability to do this? Wealthy so he got a European education which exposed him to Enlightenment Philosophy; idolized George Washington and the American Revolution

Gold, God and Glory  8. The term used for the exchange of goods, ideas, people, and germs between Europe and Latin America in the 15th and 16th centuries