Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Important Dates for September/October

Check back for periodic updates.

Wed., 9/13 - ISN covers due - Please see me if you need help with materials!
Thur., 9/14 - It's Learning quiz over class handout tentatively due
Thur., 9/28 - Back to School Night
Wed., 9/27 - Maps and Globes Quiz
Tue., 10/10 - Create a Culture Project Due
Fri., 10/13 - Maps and Globes and Culture Test  -I am pushing back to Friday to give us more review time. That means if anyone fails (let's hope not) -they will need to retake the test MONDAY. Please check Skyward/Parent Access by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday to check  your grade on the test.  I will give re-takes for grades under 70 - for up to a 70 - in class on Monday.  They will have a chance to go over the original test and ask questions first.