Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Age of Revolution Mini-Project

Judging by the number of rubrics and directions left on the floor in the room...a few of you may need this. 😂

Age of Revolution
Revolution  (noun)
1.    the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one;
2.    a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live and work.

The Age of Revolution is the period from approximately 1775 to 1848 when several significant revolutionary movements occurred in Europe and the Americas. 
You and your group will research and present one of the following revolutions that occurred in Europe during the Age of Revolution.

v  Scientific Revolution
v  Industrial Revolution
v  American Revolution (from Great Britain’s point of view)
v  French Revolution
v  Russian Revolution

Find the following information about your revolution and include all in your presentation.
·         When did the revolution begin?
·         Where did the revolution begin?
·         What events led to the revolution?
·         Who were the individuals or groups of people who were involved in the revolution?
·         What happened during the revolution?
·         How did life change for the people because of the revolution?
·         Were there negative results for any of the people?
·         Is there a connection between your revolution and any of the other revolutions?
·         How is life different for us today because of the revolution?

Divide and Conquer!
You will have two class periods to research your revolution and plan your presentation, but in order to complete the research in time to work on your presentation, you will need to divide the information you are looking for among the people in your group.  I would suggest you have TWO people responsible for each questions so they can compare answers. You will have enough class time to plan and prepare your presentation if you use your time wisely 

Revolution Presentations
There are several methods you might choose to present your revolution to the class.  Decide which would be the best for the members of your group and for presenting your revolution. 

Presentations are due : _________________________________

Revolutionary Rubric
________(40) Individual Notes – relate directly to questions, have source documentation
________(10) Individual Participation – worked well with others, did your share
________(50) Group Presentation
-       answers all questions, with relevant details/specifics
-       no longer than 6 minutes
-       easy to follow/understand, well organized
-       Works Consulted page (just in notes)

Reminders about Documentation
There are many different ways to document your sources.  For this particular project, we are using a modified MLA style* with a Works Consulted* page.
For each online source you use, you will need to note:
-       The name of the web site
-       The name of the PAGE or ARTICLE on that site
-       The day YOU went to the web site
-       The copyright or last updated date of the site
-       The author or creator of the site.
Each different online source will be an entry on the Works Consulted page.  It will follow this format:
Baxter, Bob. “Protestant Revolution.” Encyclopedia of Revolutions. 2009. 9 Jan. 2017.

For any books you use, you will need to note:
-       The title of the book
-       The author of the book
-       The date the book was published
-       The city where the book was published
-       The publisher (maker) of the book
Each different book source will be an entry on the Works Consulted page.  It will follow this format:
Baxter, Bob. Revolutions. New York: Bantham Press, 2012.

*I strongly encourage you to use Noodle Tools on the SBISD web page to make your Works Consulted page, but feel free to use any available source or tool for MLA citation.  Some online sites will even give you the citation.