Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pages 37 & 38 ISN Homework

We set up pages 37 and 38 in the ISN today.  There are 6 "quarter page" sections and one half page section.  I am putting some details on here in case you need them. :)

Section 1 - The Viking Age - I will help you with notes from the videos.  You need to write a one sentence summary about this time period based on the sections on pages 428 and 456 in the text book.

Section 2 - Middle Ages - I will help you with notes from the video and medicine sheet.  You need to write a one sentence summary about this time period based on the sections on page 428 and 456 in the text book.

Section 3 - Magna Carta - We will read about this in class together

Section 4 - Renaissance - You need to write a one sentence summary about this time period based on the section on page 429 in the text book.

Section 5 - Empires and Exploration - Read the section with this title on pages 429-430 and the section, "Competing Empires" on 457-458 and write a one or two sentence summary.

Section 6 - Religion in the Regions - You need to write a one or two sentence summary about religion in Europe during this time period based on the section on page 430 and what you already read about religion on page 457.

Cool Stuff - for any details you find particularly interesting!  😄