Thursday, January 30, 2020

Jan. 27-31

Monday - Speaker from the Holocaust Museum

Tuesday - Complete and practice Revolutions Mini-Projects

Wednesday - Present Revolutions Mini-Projects

Thursday - Complete Presentations and do reflection

Friday - World War 1 activities in ItsLearning.  I have a copy of the notes below for each student, but in case you lose yours and/or are absent, there is a copy below.  All instructions on what to read and watch are on It'sLearning under "World War 1".

World War I  19____ - 19____
AKA “The _______ to _______ all __________”  and 
“The _____________ _______”

World War I was an extremely bloody, complicated conflict that eventually involved countries from all over the world.

The assassination of Arch Duke Franz and Arch Duchess Sophie Ferdinand of _______________ was the inciting incident of World War I.  However it is far from the only cause of the war.

Historians often use the acronym M.A.I.N. to summarize the complex web of causes leading to WW I.
M____________________________ (arms race, race to control the seas, assumption there                                                                              will always be a next war)

A____________________________ (distrust of different, old allies and enemies, military                                                                                alliances and pacts)

I_____________________________ (colonialism, race to control the seas, race to control                                                                                    resources)

N____________________________ (fear of different, prejudices, feelings of superiority)

Nationalism does not equal patriotism – you can love your country and be proud of your country without thinking your country is better than the rest of the world and therefor entitled to rob or invade other countries.

Because so many of the European powers at the heart of WW I had colonies and territories all over the world, eventually 32 countries were involved.  The main battles and focus of the conflict were in Europe, called “The Western Front” and “The Eastern Front”.  The two sides were:

The Allies –

Central Powers –

Special case:  Italy, at the beginning of the war, was part of a three-way alliance with the Central Powers (Triple Alliance). However, they *sort of* became “neutral” instead of joining the war. THEN, when they saw the Allies were clearly going to win, they made a secret deal with Great Britain and France to support the Allies.

As a result of many of the revolutions we studied, especially the scientific and industrial, WW I was incredibly deadly.  People became efficient at killing each other. List some of the major advancements in military tactics and machinery first used in WW I.
9.  Airplanes

Give 3 additional interesting facts about WWI. (Don’t repeat info. already on this sheet.)


